The Colours — you want


Delivery method

Pickup – пreceiving of the product at the company's office, within 3 days after changing the order status to "Available".
Standard courier delivery – delivery from the online warehouse store to the address specified when placing the order. Delivery is carried out at any convenient time for the customer. It should be pre-approved by the Manager of the online store.
Standard courier delivery - door-to-door shipping in Almaty.
Delivery is based on the "door-to-door" principle and is made by a courier to the address specified when placing the order. Preliminary terms for delivery of the product will be indicated when placing an order in the shopping cart. Before going-out, the courier will contact you by phone to clarify the convenient time of order receipt and delivery details.

The cost of delivery within the administrative boundary of the city is:
Product weighing up to 500 kg – from 2 000 tenge, within the city limits.
Product weighing from 500 kg – free, within the city limits.

Payment methods for orders


  • Cash payment is available at the retail store's checkout when you pick up the ordered product.
  • Payment is made in the national currency "Tenge"
  • After receiving the payment, a product receipt is issued.

Payment by bank card upon receipt:

  • Bank card payment is available at the retail store's checkout when you pick up the ordered product.

Bank card payment on the Website when placing an order

  • The payment method provides payment by bank card. We accept cards, more or less, from any Bank, Visa and MasterCard systems, for which your issuing Bank allows financial transactions on the Internet.
  • Notice! Not all the bank cards initially have the online pay option. To find out whether your card supports conducting financial transactions online, consult a representative of your issuing bank. Usually, if the card does not have this option it can be solved by making a corresponding activation application of this service in your Bank. The connection is performed once only. For more details, please contact your bank.
  • The system will automatically redirect you to enter your card details in the ePay - electronic payment page of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC. Please follow the instructions on the page. After you make sure that the fields with your bank card and email details are filled in correctly, click on the "Pay" button. You will receive a notification about the payment to the email address specified on this page. By default, the "Your email" field contains the email address specified during registration on the online store's website. You can change the email address for receiving notifications. After completing the payment, you can leave this page, or return to the online store by clicking the suitable button.